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The Heart of Biddeford Storytelling Workshop, Match 9 2009

March 9 Workshop     Planning the Heart and Soul Storytelling Project





1.     Introductions: Nametags, An Exercise in Describing Biddeford (Write your name and five words you would have to use to describe the heart of Biddeford)

2.     Agenda Overview

3.     Exercise A: Story Circle

4.     Looking at the Project as a Whole

5.     Heart & Soul Goals: a Review

6.     Understanding the Community

7.     Balancing the Past, Present and Future

8.     Participation Challenges



9.     Story Kinds and Their Impact

10.    Exercise B

11.    Storytelling Waves

12.    Harvesting Values

13.    Exercise C: Harvest Values from the Stories Told in Exercise B (Value Mapping)

14.    Then What?



15.    Assessment: Ongoing touch points--how will we recognize success aloong the way? How do we avoid vounteer burn-out?

16.    Mapping

17.    Exercise D: Mapping the Community



18.    Putting the Pieces Together: A Plan

19.    Final Exercise (Look at the words you wrote on your nametag.  Change three of them. Everyone read the old and then the new words aloud.  Observation?--The changes illustrated the building of common ground, of moving from personal image to community value, from concrete noun to action verb or abstract noun demoting a feeling or a value. So interesting.)





More inspirations:



"Storytelling is central to the well-being, the confidence and sustainability of communities.  It allows communities to generate and sustain a sense of belonging and cohesion and purpose even through periods of tumultuous change--especially through periods of tumultuous change.  It allows them to constantly define who they are and who they want to be." K. Longley, 2002, Stories for Sustainability, Sustainability Forum, Perth 


II.  Digital Explorations and Barbara Ganley, A Quick Summary

To read more, go to bgblogging


Some influences:


Mikail Bahktin

Paolo Friere

Maxine Greene

Pierre Levy

Ray Oldenburg & Robert Putnam

Vera John-Steiner

Etienne Wenger

The Center for Digital Storytelling

Alan Levine

Appreciative Inquiry

Nancy White




Original Photo: http://www.flickr.com/photos/youngdoo/270155863




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